
Apartment Investing in Minnesota and Arizona

Real Estate Equities was founded in 1972 and over the past 45 years we have provided hundreds of families and several institutional partners professional access to apartment investments. Today our apartment portfolio consists of over 4,000 apartments and we are actively developing,  pursuing new investments and new investor partners.

As an apartment investment company in St. Paul, we have found this to be one of the most stable and safe types of real estate investments over the past 50 years, as they have performed significantly better than other types of real estate in the past downturn. Apartment building investments offer an attractive, risk-adjusted return for investors who are looking for safe, stable cash-flow and growth over a medium to long-term horizon.

Our approach is based on finding investments that are undervalued in terms of price and/or potential. We then leverage our expertise to unlock and create that value for our investor’s benefit. We co-invest in our apartment investments and we manage all the buildings we invest in.

Two examples of recent transactions include:

  • Acquiring 172 apartments in St. Paul where we increased net operating income by 25% through a comprehensive renovation and leasing program.
  • Providing a liquidity option to existing partners in a third-party managed property where partners could sell their interest to us now or in the future.

We seek apartment investing opportunities that can earn investors 6-9+% cash on cash yields and 12-15+% IRRs over the life of the investment. We generally finance our apartment investments with non-recourse, fixed rate-debt and use traditional levels of leverage.

Please let us know if you are interested in learning more about investing in apartment buildings in St. Paul and how we might assist you as an expert apartment investment adviser and partner.

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